Dreamer's World April 13 2018 - Time For Happy Hour And The Weekend
I am so glad to report that I made it through this week. There have been ups and downs, but I am still here and ready for the weekend. What makes today even more special is that it will be a short day at work since the local employees from my company are holding our quarterly Happy Hour this afternoon. Since it is Friday, we always start the event earlier than most. I will be leaving at noon to travel to the event since one of the other people has organized it close to his home. We take turns changing the locations around so that we all have events close to our home and don’t have to travel as far.
Today is also the last day at work for me before the move next week. I am taking next week off work to prepare for the big day, survive the big day, and recover from the big day, at least that is the plan right now. I know that Monday and Tuesday will be very busy around here with packing up the last items so the movers will have an easy time when next Wednesday arrives. I am looking forward to the move and looking forward even more to completing it.
As for the guitar amplifier issue, a new one has been sent to me, and it should arrive on Monday. This is cutting things closer than I would like, but at least it should be here in time for the move. I think that the problem with the original amp I ordered was a faulty power switch. The amp would not power on at all. The power cord had a brick in the middle that has a light to indicate that there was power going through the cord, so the problem had to be with the amp itself. When I explained this to the distributor, they were more than happy to get a new one sent to me at no charge, as well as free shipping on the original amp to be returned to them.
In addition to that problem, I still have to get my guitar restrung. I simply don’t have the time or the patience right now to do this. Last night I took the guitar to a local ship that assured me they could restring the guitar in less than 30 minutes. I sat in rush hour traffic for nearly an hour to get to the store. When I got there, the person informed me that they didn’t restring “those type of guitars” and that it would have to be sent away. I would also be charged $90 for the privilege of being without my guitar for at least a week.
Obviously, this was not going to happen. I informed the people at the store that I was not going to conduct any further business with them because I had described my guitar in detail when I called them to ask about the repair in the first place. I will take the guitar to Guitar Center either this afternoon after Happy Hour, or more likely, tomorrow. At least I know and trust the people at the local Guitar Center. I should have gone there in the first place. Even if they cannot get the job completed right away, I won't be waiting for a week or more, and I won't be charged nearly as much.
I must be feeling good this morning because I just realized how much I wrote over the last few minutes. I suppose that part of this feeling is the sense of relief that the big objective (the move) is nearly accomplished. I feel like a new beginning is here, and I am ready for it. My motivation for guitar has recently increased as you might have guessed, and I hope that will also transfer over to my writing as well.
The day went well. The Happy Hour was a success, and I got home and still had time to get my guitar repaired at Guitar Center early in the evening. I have had a tough time sleeping because the air conditioner in this apartment is completely useless. The management says it has to be replaced, but we decided that it will wait until after we leave. We have enough chaos right now without people running all over the apartment maing more mess. There is less than a week before we move, and I will survive until then.
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