Dreamer's World February 26, 2018 - End Of Vacation

This morning marks the end of my vacation. I am back to work after a good night of rest. I made sure to go to bed early last night knowing that today was going to be an adventure, whether I am ready or not. I managed to get almost everything done over the vacation except for going to the casino. That will wait until another time. My money will stay with me for now.
    Of course, the first thing that greeted me when I logged onto the network this morning was an avalanche of emails. Hopefully, the people who sent them got the automatic out of office reply I had set up. Unfortunately, this probably means that my phone will start ringing off the hook later this morning. I have my caffeine and am ready to handle all of the emergencies that should have been avoided.
    My first task has been to answer all of the emails that required attention and to get my plan for the week put together so I can focus on that until Friday. I also remembered to submit my next leave request for April when Hal and I move to the new apartment. I will discuss that with my supervisor when I meet with her this afternoon for our weekly teleconference call. There should be no problem with taking that time off in April. Hal is taking the lead with arranging the movers so I will work according to his schedule on things.
    Lunch arrived, and I was still doing well. The afternoon round of meetings will start soon, and I know that this will be the real test of my endurance. Sitting through the conference calls is incredibly taxing at the best of times, and with me still wishing I was on vacation, I know that it will be difficult. I will make it through and then take Hal to work after I am finished with my day here. I suppose that things could have been a lot worse.
    As the workday enters the homestretch, I am making a list of things that we need from the store so I can pick them up after I drop Hal off at his job before I come home. I want to have enough here to cook for several days, so we don’t have to worry about eating out or getting something delivered. I prefer my own cooking anyway.


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