Finally doing something that I have thought about

     Today I am taking Hal in to see his doctor for his annual eye exam. Hal has vision problems and I always drive him to these appointments even though it means I have to take a day off from work in order to do so. It is something that I have no problem doing for the person I love. At the same time, I am going to be using Evernote to do some writing while we are out. This is the thing that I have always thought about doing, but never had the proper chance to do.
     I might be very old-fashioned, but I really dislike people who are constantly checking their portable devices during time that is supposed to be about togetherness. While Hal is at the doctor, I will take some time to enjoy this beautiful day and write as I wait for him. I know that we will have a late lunch after his visit, and I won’t try to write any during that. I have always wanted to just have the time to write when I want to without distractions. In this I know that I am not alone, but I have yet to meet the person who actually accomplished this.
     I find Evernote a wonderful tool for writing because it moves effortlessly across platforms and I can stop at one device and then pick up again later without an interruption that is apparent to myself or the reader. I know several people who have become dependent on Microsoft OneNote, but I have never been a MS person. Evernote seems to be the best solution for me. It is a shame that the company I work for is totally MS dependent, but I suppose I am glad as well because it means that when I open Evernote, I am not seeing work items that would interrupt my personal and private writing.

        This is the scene as I am waiting on Hal. It is a beautiful day to just be outside and I am so glad that I brought my iPad with me to document this. I am happy to be outside and not at work this afternoon. We used to live in Upper Marlboro, MD which is just south of Bowie, where I am right now.
        Once Hal is done with his eye exam, we will grab a late lunch here in Bowie before venturing back to Alexandria later this afternoon. I am doing well with the BG right now, and I hope to continue that trend.
        I cannot describe how happy I am to be sitting here under a tree amd just writing. It seems like a dream of mine has finally come true. I wish that this feeling would last forever, but of course that is secondary to Hal getting a good report from his Opthamologist. I wish that inspiration would come to be in a flash right now so I could begin writing the novel that would become a best-seller and allow me to retire from my job and just write like this full-time!
        I have to say that the keyboard case for the iPad is an excellent investment, if a bit uncomfortable at time to write on. I prefer to type rather than just touch because the rhythym gets me motivated to write even more, and I cannot duplicate that with the touchscreen.
        This is a terribly disjointed blog post, but it is from the heart and I feel the enjoyment so I am happy with it. I suppose that the most important lesson I will take away from this afternoon is that I need to do something like this on the weekends when I have the free time. Just put the iPad in the backpack and write when the mood hits me as I sit and relax. 

        The Beetle is holding up very well after just over 2 years. It is a 2002 model that I bought in 2012 when I realized that I had to get rid of the Nissan Xterra that I had been driving. It was constantly having major problems and when I found the Beetle with just 65k miles on it, I realized that I had to make the change. I am hopeful that the Beetle will last me for another 10 years with proper care and maintenance. It does feel great to not have a car payment every month.
        As I mentioned earlier, when Hal is done here, we will find a place to have a nice lunch before heading back home. There is a Chinese buffet just up the road from here that we used to go to quite a bit, perhaps that will be our lunch spot, but it also depends on what Hal is in the mood for. I hope that he isn't too incapacitated from his exam. I know that dialtion of the pupils on a sunny day is no joke. The best news to hope for is that his glaucoma has not gotten any worse over the past year. I am hopeful because the last time he was fitted for glasses they noted that his vision had improved slightly.
        I cannot believe that I have written most of this in just over 15 minutes. I am enjoying this time writing. The demon has been fed, and is at peace right now. I am going to take my time with this entry and try to edit it to make it more readable  before posting.
        Moving away frm the tree has certainly helped my back. I am much more comfortable now. Provided that Hal got in to see the doctor on-time, it has been about 30 minutes. I strongly suspect that is not the case because doctors run on their own time (no pun intended) and are oblivious to us mere mortals. No problem for me, just more time to write whatever pops into my head right now.
        It is just after 1700 and we are back home. Hal's prognosis hasn't gotten any worse and that is great news. We had a lunch that isn't worth mentioning other than to say that we will never go to New China in Bowie ever again! The rush hour traffic wasn't terrible on the Beltway and that came as a surprise to me. All in all, this has been a great day!


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