New Years Eve

    I don't know whether or not it has to do with Hal and I getting older, but the idea of going out to celebrate New Year's Eve really seems ridiculous. Every year we get invitations to go to some place for a "special" or a "once in a lifetime" celebration, but we almost always end up at home watching the ball drop in front of the TV. It isn't that we dislike going out, it just seems like such a hassle, especially after the parties are over with, trying to get back home even when we are sober. The roads are full of people who refuse to limit themselves on this night, and we have seen too many accidents to want to be involved in one. The sad truth is that we could be completely sober and still be involved in an accident with someone who should NOT be driving.
    Staying home keeps us out of those situations and also allows us to just relax and be with each other. That is more special than anything we could do by going out on the town tonight. Not to mention that staying at home is also much cheaper than going out. We can always find a use for the money that we don't spend at another time.
    For all of you who do go out this evening, please be safe. There are plenty of groups offering free rides for those who celebrate too much. Take advantage of them to protect yourself and everyone else. I look forward to everyone reading my blog in 2015.


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