Dreamer's World January 19, 2018 - The Last Day of 53

    I am delighted to report that I finally got a good night of sleep last night. I don't know how much longer I could have gone on without real sleep. I suppose that there is some significance since tomorrow is my birthday and I will turn 54 years old. I don't feel any older yet, but I know that I would have without sleep.
    Since Hal has to work tomorrow on my birthday, I am not expecting much regarding a celebration. I am not feeling deprived because of that. If Hal takes me to dinner this evening or over the weekend that will be more than enough to make me feel special. The celebrations aren't necessary. In fact, I never had the typical birthday party as a child. I have been genuinely shocked in the past when someone remembered my birthday, to be honest.
    I approach tomorrow with optimism. I know that I am loved by those who matter the most to me, and that is the most wonderful gift that I can receive.


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