
     I have been writing quite a bit recently, but most of what I have written will remain with me alone due to its personal nature. I am pleased that I am writing more than ever, but at the same time, I also want to write more for those who trouble to look at my blog.
    I have found Evernote to be an invaluable tool with my writing. I can access my notes from anywhere at anytime. I can get to my notes from a PC, from my Mac, or from my Chromebook or Android phone. This makes things so much easier than in the past. I always felt rushed to get something completely written and then posting it before I forgot all about it for several days. Now, I no longer have that impediment because Evernote lets me set reminders about when I want to return to an unfinished note. This keeps me honest.
    I hope that I will be writing more in my blog once again, I think that with the help of Evernote that I will :)


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