Exhaustion on a Friday

 For those who read my post on Insomnia from very early this morning, it should come as no surprise that I am completely exhausted at work today. I have put in 8 hours of extra time over just 3 days this week, and that does not include the extra time involved with commuting on those days due to traffic. At any rate I am taking my lunch break here at the office now and waiting for a meeting with the boss that was supposed to have taken place earlier today. The boss has shifted my meeting until late this afternoon so I will not be able to recoup any of the time that I am due today.
    This just adds to the exhaustion that I am already suffering from. If I were a rookie when it comes to insomnia I would feel dead right now. Sadly, this is a far from rare occurrence for me and I am just going to have to wait until I can try to rest again before anything will change. When I leave work this afternoon I will try to get a nap before committing to anything this evening. I hope that I will feel more alive after the nap and that I can enjoy the weekend without feeling like crap the entire time. The least attractive alternative is sleeping through most of the weekend because I will really not feel good about not having any time to myself for what I want to do.
    Life goes on. I will make the best of it.


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