Dreamer's World March 10 2016

I have survived another day at work that included multiple interruptions to the normal schedule, and as a result, I really don't feel that I accomplished as much as I would have liked today. I will see what Friday has in store for me, and do my best to make tomorrow a good day.
Right now there are no plans for the evening. Hal (person) has become more of a homebody over the last few months. There is nothing wrong with him, he is just struggling to pay off his bills as quickly as possible so I don’t blame him for it. I do wish that he would want to at least go out occasionally when I want to. I consider it just another part of being in a long-term (16+ years) relationship. Things will even out in the long term, so I won’t worry about it.
If we do stay at home, I will simply write some more as I watch college basketball. There are a few things that I would like to go and look at, but they will be there whenever I get the chance, those things will always be there. Not spending any money is a good thing when I think about it. I often talk about how lucky I am, and learning to take the little things like this in stride is all just a part of the game as far as I am concerned.
I took a nice walk after work while Hal (person) was occupied on the phone with one of his sisters or cousins, or somebody. It does get a bit disconcerting at times, but we do have all day together since I work from home, and we each need some time for ourselves. Since I don’t have family that I stay in touch with, I write and listen to music as well as watching sports on TV if there is anything interesting on. Thankfully, this is March and there is plenty of basketball to occupy my time right now.
I completed my steps for today and will take a shower soon before heading to bed. I am looking forward to tomorrow and getting back to a more normal routine at work. Not to mention that once tomorrow at work is over with, that I have a 3-day weekend to look forward to!


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