Dreamer’s World March 3 2016
Today I am returning to a somewhat more normal sense of existence at work and home. A combination of events really threw my timing off yesterday and I was just not in the mood to sit and write at the end of the day.
The first thing that happened was my normal Wednesday trip to the client’s office for our weekly meeting. This proceeded without incident and I was able to get away from there and head back home to get lunch and continue with my workday. Then I was notified that the new company computer, a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (SP4) had finally been delivered to the apartment office. I rushed over to pick it up and brought it back and immediately set it up.
Of course, the best laid plans of corporate IT fell apart. There were connectivity issues and my email profile was nowhere to be found on the new machine. For the rest of the afternoon, I was still working from the old laptop while struggling to get things set up correctly on the SP4. I began a notebook for IT detailing the issues I encountered because there will be several other people in various locations that also receive the SP4 as their upgrade.
Between phone calls and normal meetings and IT help, I was really spent by the end of the day. Then I had to take the Beetle back for the emissions inspection that was not done when I took the Beetle in on 20 February. Luckily, the VW dealer didn’t charge me for that. I decided that I needed a drink more than I needed to write for the first time in forever, so I enjoyed a few cold adult beverages and vegged for the evening and went to bed early.
On to today, the SP4 has had another issue or two, but I have been able to resolve them myself. I actually like the device although cloud storage is something that will take some getting used to. The old laptop was up and running for my weekly meeting that I lead this morning, next time I will run it from the SP4. Luckily, there is a 5-week period of evaluation after which we can either accept the SP$ permanently or request something else. As of today, I am definitely going to keep the SP4 and clear up room on my desk. I think that tomorrow I will take the old laptop off my desk and use it only when necessary. This will be a huge step forward.
As I sit through another conference call, I am finally able to sit back and re-evaluate things. This is the time when I feel the need to write more. I am not really required to present any inputs on these calls, so I can let myself enjoy a little bit of freedom as I listen in and take notes for my own reference later.
I am happy with the way that things are working out this week, even with the extra chaos of yesterday thrown in. I know that I am making progress on my goals at work, and I am ready to do even more as I adjust to new circumstances.
After work is over with, I will get some more walking in. I have done my Ab-Carver Pro each morning this week and am glad to report that the initial soreness has worn off. This means that my plan is working and that I will keep to the plan for the rest of the week through Sunday. On Monday, I will increase my reps and make that the baseline for next week. They key is to take the time to do this right in order to avoid discouragement, and it is working.
I am sure that we will have a quiet evening with the exception of one trip to the grocery store after work. I want to spend some time with Hal (person) and The Stooges this evening to close out what has so far been a great day.
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