Dreamer’s World November 20, 2017 – Focusing On A Slow Week
Snoopy And The Gang aren’t that helpful today. I always have a good hair day since I shave my head, and so I am forced to find another topic to write about. There is some news this morning about Hal (person). He is going to visit family in Philadelphia this week for Thanksgiving. I will be taking him to Metro on Wednesday morning, and he will be returning sometime Friday evening. I was not completely surprised by this, although I had hoped that he would be here so we could spend the holiday together. As Hal gets older, so do his relatives. I cannot blame him for wanting to see them and spend time with them.
On the other hand, I will never be spending time with my own extended family because we are just not close at all, either physically or emotionally. I will revert to my standby plan and spend Thanksgiving with The Stooges. I will work through Wednesday and then again on Friday since I won't be traveling anywhere. That allows me to save my vacation time for better weather. Since I work from home, it isn't a real inconvenience to me at all. The team that I am part of is already dissolving with people starting their own holiday plans. By Wednesday, things will be very quiet at work, and I won't be subjected to all of the normal emails and phone calls.
Learning to roll with the punches like this is part of being in a relationship and making it last. Hal and I will both be thinking of Nicola and her kids this week because we went to visit them almost every Thanksgiving from 2002-2016 as well as xmas gatherings. Nicola is back in Scotland now along with Connor. Brianna is a beautiful young woman away at college and busy creating her own life. I will reach out to Nicola via text or email this week to let her know that we are thinking of her.
As for today, I am attending the conference calls and making my way through the day. I will get to the grocery store at some point today and stock up on things before the last minute Thanksgiving rush hits. I have to take Hal to work this evening and then pick him up, and after that, it will be time for what I hope will be a good night of sleep.
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