Dreamer’s World November 02, 2017 – Recognizing The Value Of Each Day

    As I start the day, I am thinking about the subject for today’s blog. After a few minutes of contemplation, it finally came to me. Three weeks from today will be Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. This is supposed to be a day when we take some time to give thanks for what we have. Sadly, this is immediately followed by Black Friday, where people fight each other for items that are on sale because they all want something new for themselves or someone else. The irony is not lost.
    I decided that I should take the time today to begin being thankful for what I already have, and not worry about the things that I don’t because there are far too many people who are in worse shape than I am. I wish that I could help each and every one of them, but that is impossible.
    First of all, Snoopy And The Gang gave me a bit of inspiration with the message that “Happiness Is Making Your Mark On The World.” This is a hopeful message to me on a day when motivation was hard to find. Sometimes we don’t need to look that far to realize that each of us makes a small difference every day. It might not seem like much, but I know from reading the blogs published by friends that there are times when they say exactly the thing that I needed to hear. I hope that I fulfill that need to others because it is a way of giving back.
    Second, I think about life here at home. I write about it quite a bit, but that is because I have been through far tougher times in my life. This allows me to realize just how fortunate I have been over the last few years. Although Hal and I have been together for almost 18 years, I had some tough times in the beginning. Looking back I see that most of those problems were because I didn’t honestly know how to be happy. I had been so conditioned to being depressed that I no longer recognized it. I was defensive and very insecure. I could not trust and to love based on being hurt in the past. Hal brought me out of that phase, and if he had not, I am not certain I would be here today.
    Third, I am able to put my thoughts down in a mostly coherent manner in this blog. I find that writing helps me whether things are going well or not at any given time. This blog is therapeutic in so many small ways. The bad times don’t seem so bad when I write about them and the good times are even better when I write about them.
    Fourth, I am grateful for the friends that I have. I have never been one to accumulate vast numbers of friends, but those I have are incredibly close to me. I have learned that they come and go as part of life, but I always recognize that they have their own lives to live and that sometimes the gradual ending of friendship is a good thing because it has served its purpose at the right time in both of our lives. I have learned to look forward to the friends that I have not met yet.
    Fifth, I am grateful for the place that we live. Hal and I have managed to make a comfortable, but not excessive, life for ourselves in the nearly 18 years that we have been together. We have moved multiple times, but it always feels like home when we are together. The material possessions are not important to us, we are both more ethereal than that.
    Sixth, I am grateful for The Stooges. The lineup has changed over the years, but they have always been here for Hal and me. Each time we have to part with one of them, it is losing a member of the family, but we learn to find a new member to give them a loving and caring home. We always manage to pick the right cat for the group.
    These things are the highlights of my life. There are more, but I could never stop writing if I truly wanted to list all of the things that I am grateful for. But there is one more that I have to mention.

    I am thankful for those people who take the time to read this blog. I haven't prioritized this one because it is invaluable. Take some time to think about what you are grateful for, it will make you feel better.


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