Dreamer’s World August 25, 2017 – Nearly Finished
Once again, writing is a chore. I have been so busy with constantly shifting requirements at work, and difficulties with my former doctor and these problems have kept me from having the time and energy to write in my blog. With the week at work finally over I can now try to get things organized and attempt to relax and focus on things that are important to me.
I spent time after work yesterday finalizing the break with my former doctor. Email messages from her were more than snotty about my scheduled appointment next week. She wanted to bitch that I had neglected to schedule sooner and I had to correct her since the schedule was her responsibility. I could not see her when she was not available. I went to her office after work and signed the release forms to send my medical records to another doctor recommended to me.
Hal and I enjoyed dinner out as well, and we also checked out T-Mobile because Hal wanted to see the new Samsung phone to find out about the cost. I had toyed with the idea of the iPhone 8, but when I found out that the starting price was set for $1000, it made the decision to stick with Android and Project Fi very easy.
Plans to venture out after work today rapidly fell apart because I was much more tired than I realized I would be. We did stop at the grocery store and then Burger King before returning home and I then laid on the couch and took a nap. Stevie Nicks is helping me as I write at the dining room table this evening before I take my shower and really relax for the evening.
Tomorrow I will take Hal to work and then pick him up in the afternoon. While he is at work, I will find something to occupy my time but I don't expect anything spectacular or out of the ordinary. Again I will try to have a pleasant and quiet weekend without any drama so I will feel refreshed when the time comes to return to work net Monday.
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