Dreamer's World May 17, 2018 - Returning To "Normal"

    Today marks the start of a return to normalcy around here. Things are going well with the new apartment, and I am finally getting finances back in order after the expenses of the move. It has happened quicker than I thought it would, and I am extremely happy about this. Now, I can begin to build my savings back up again and take care of the expenses incurred during the move to wipe them out as quickly as possible.
    Actually, return to “normal” is not quite true. Hal and I are establishing a new “normal” routine here at the new apartment. Because we are closer to most of the places we like to go and don’t have to cross major highways to get to them, we have begun going to the movies for the first time in years. We can safely walk to the movie theater in less than 15 minutes through a nice neighborhood without tons of speeding traffic.
    In fact, tonight we are going to s sneak preview of “Deadpool 2” at the local theater. I will drive only if the weather is unpleasant. If the urge strikes us, there are two awesome restaurants along the way where we can have drinks and dinner afterward.
    It feels terrific to be no longer isolated from everything. The old apartment was on the other side of a major highway, and going anywhere other than by car meant taking our lives in our hands as we crossed that highway, even at the designated crosswalks. Several near misses by distracted/stupid drivers effectively stopped us from going places.
    Now, we have the grocery store, library, theater, chiropractor, dentist, and multiple restaurants we can safely walk to. The change is palpable. Even though we are roughly the same distance from many of these places, it no longer feels like we live on another planet.
    I can feel the difference in my daily life as well. I am sleeping better here in the new place, things seem more relaxed and comfortable as well. Because we moved out to this area last year, we have not had many visits from our friends because they don’t want to travel this far. That is fine with me because it means that we no longer have to make arrangements for them to come over. Actually, I think the real reason we no longer see them is that they want to stay closer to DC so they can get to all of the places there. Traveling out here would effectively kill their plans on the weekend. I see this decision as a reflection of their priorities and also an indication of where we fit into their list of priorities.
    As for us, we are happier than ever. This is really saying something after being together for over 18 years. It is a testament to our commitment to each other and our resolve to be happy with ourselves first. I like this new “normal.”


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