Dreamer's World July 28, 2018 -Too Busy
Dreamer's World July 28, 2018 -Too Busy
Tags: Life, Post, TIme, Music, Learning
July 28, 2018 at 10:57AM
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As the weekend arrives, at last, I can finally take the time to sit down and write again. The last week was hectic at work, and I found myself struggling to keep up with things on a daily basis. By the end of each workday, I wanted nothing other than to take long naps and drift away from the world in general.
In addition to my writing, my music also suffered from lack of attention. I ordered a new Yamaha DGX-660 (digital grand piano), and that arrived on Friday after work. It replaces an older keyboard that I purchased through Craigs List. The old keyboard was enough to get me playing once again, so it served its purpose. While I hesitated to spend the money, I know that it will be worth it in the end.
As for today, I just came back after dropping Hal off at his job, and now I am finally catching up with my writing. I feel rested after an early Friday, rather than staying up late and then feeling shitty on Saturday morning. I don't have any plans right now before I go to get Hal late this afternoon. I might leave here a bit early to pick up a few things that I need before arriving at Hal's workplace. I doubt that he will want to do anything or go anywhere after he gets off work, and I won't press him about it.
I am sure that when we get back home that I will spend some time on the keyboard I mentioned earlier, as well as practicing my guitar. Doing those things will keep me busy and allow Hal to get his rest since he has to work tomorrow as well. There are so many things to learn with the new keyboard that I will take things slowly, and I will be using my headphones so I won't disturb Hal as he rests.
Tags: Life, Post, TIme, Music, Learning
July 28, 2018 at 10:57AM
Open in Evernote
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