Dreamer's World August 13, 2018 - Relationships And Music

Dreamer's World August 13, 2018 - Relationships And Music

    I wrote earlier about today being Hal's birthday, and how we have been together for almost 19 years. Friends have asked us how we manage to stay together and, more importantly, happy through all this time. The answer is simple on the surface, and that is through communication and honesty. There is one other important factor, and that is practice.
    The best way I can describe how important practice is to a relationship is to compare it to playing music. I try to take time to work on my guitar playing and piano playing every day. It makes no sense to expect to get better if I don't put the time and effort into the endeavor. A relationship is the same way. You cannot take it for granted. It must be addressed every day to improve.
    Some days I focus on the basics. Other days I try something new to expand my horizons. This variety keeps me interested in my learning process, and the same approach keeps our relationship healthy. Because music is essential to me, I put the time and effort and exploration into it. My relationship with Hal is even more critical, so why not use the same approach?

Tags: Hal (Person), Life, Post, Music, Relationships
August 13, 2018 at 01:11PM
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