Dreamer's World August 7, 2018 - Happiness Is Hearing A Favorite Tune

Dreamer's World August 7, 2018 - Happiness Is Hearing A Favorite Tune
    Snoopy And The Gang nailed my feelings perfectly for today with their little announcement. I can't imagine life without music, but I'm sure that it would be awful and not worth living. The fact that I'm teaching myself to play guitar in my 50s and re-acquainting myself with the piano is proof of that.
    Some people have questioned the investment in music at my age. I ask them why they don't also follow one of their passions rather than just wishing about them.  I learned to ignore most of what people said about my life many years ago. I try my best to stay out of their affairs, and I expect the same courtesy to me. I am having a great time learning the guitar. It is not without frustration at times, but I know that when I look back to where I started, I can see how far I have come. The same applies to the piano. I will never be a professional musician, the chances of that happening are in the past, but the sheer excitement is still there.
    I find myself hearing a favorite tune these days and instantly wondering if I can manage to learn to play it myself. Between the guitar and piano, I will try to work something out. I find that most of the songs aren't that complicated, but they do require lots of practice to master. Perhaps that view is because I am awakening to the intricacies of music once again if so, it is a beautiful addition to my life. My office space here at home cluttered with guitars, amps, and my new digital piano, yet I never felt so free and unfettered in my life.
    Hal encourages me to pursue my passion, although he does insist that I practice using headphones most of the time. I don't blame him, I am still learning, and I make mistakes. I am thankful to have a loving partner who supports me in this adventure.  Music is more important to me now than it has ever been, and I have never been happier.

Tags: Life, Post, Happiness, Music
August 07, 2018 at 01:09PM
Open in Evernote


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