Dreamer's World June 24 2016 -Friday Observations and Reflections

Friday is here at last. Sadly, it will last one hour longer at work than normal as I make up the last of the time from my Wednesday medical appointment, but I realized this would be the case. It simply means that I will pace myself differently through the day. Hopefully, Hal (person) and I will do something after work, but there are no plans yet. If we decide to stay home I will simply catch up on writing and rest. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to start this long day. I saw the news about Britain leaving the EU and was especially interested since I have friends who are from Scotland. I don't believe that they are very happy about this. From my perspective, the entire thing resonates with the stink of RWNJ politics just as we face here at home. The fact that a politician who favored remaining in the EU was killed in broad daylight on a street in an English town really emphasizes this. There are times when I fear that we will come to that point here, when people are murdered because they refuse to accept republiKKKan control over their daily lives and national policies. I certainly hope that I am wrong about this, but nothing is certain. On a personal note, I took the plunge this morning and signed up for Project Fi from Google. This is their cell service that relies on a combination of wifi and cellular coverage. I have not canceled my regular cell service, this will be a test of how things work so I can decide later on if I want to stay with my current carrier or drop them and go completely with Project Fi. I will try to keep everyone informed on how this works out for me. I don't expect the new phone and SIM card to arrive until next week.

This is a picture of the Nexus 5x that I purchased. The fact that it is on sale for $150 less than normal is a big reason I took the plunge. Added to the fact that the service is less expensive than regular cell service by a huge margin is another reason I did this. I hope that the new service will euqual or surpass my current service, but the beauty is that I can leave Project Fi without penalty if I am not satisfied and the phone will work with my current carrier which wold provide me with a backup. I had been looking forward to remaining with iPhone for awhile, but the cost are getting out of control just to obtain the device. I have used Android extensively in the past, and it will not be a great shock to me if I leave Apple. When I looked at upgrading my iPhone and discovered that the amount for the downpayment was greater than the cost of the Nexus 5x, my mind was made up. It will be interesting to see how things work out. So far, today has been drama-free and I like it that way. Since it is Friday I don't really expect anymore crises. There are several meetings that I have to attend today in order to bring people up to speed with my research projects, plus the normal meetings during the afternoon. It will still be a lonng time until 1830 rolls around and I will finally be done for the week. Even with the long hours tearing me down, things have gone well. Lunch was leftover pizza (only 1 slice) and now I am preparing for the cycle of meetings that will run for several hours. At least I get paid for this! I have the luxury of working from home and I can get up and walk around during these meetings in order to stay awake and keep my mind focused on the issues at hand. I would really suffer if I had to sit around the table and listen to these meetings every single day. Right now I can watch Hal The Cat as he relaxes

Hal The Cat certainly knows how to relax. He inspires me at the same time he is making me very jealous. Seeing him happy reminds me of how fortunate I am. Life with Hal (person) is excellent, and that is reflected with how well Hal The Cat and Stevie Nicks and Spartacus are doing as well. We all have a very good life here, and I am so happy about that. With all of the hatred and injustice and prejudice in the world, we all need a place to feel safe and loved. I cannot imagine life without each and every one of the Stooges and Hal (person). My meetings are completed for the week and I can try to get things ready for Monday morning before I call it a day here at work. Hal and I did go out to dinner this evening. It has been a while since we ate at London Curry House, so that was our destination. Hal had the butter chicken and I had the Madras chicken curry. We enjoyed ourselves tremendously and left the restaurant feeling very full and satisfied. I am looking forward to it.
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