Dreamer’s World December 10 2015 - Another Step Forward

Today is an unusual day. Since we lost Maxwell, things have been a blur. Hal (cat) has adjusted well to his new surroundings in the bedroom here and later today he will get his first face-to-face with Spartacus and Stevie Nicks. There will undoubtedly be some kissing and possibly a tussle or two before they completely accept each other, but this is the last hurdle that Hal (cat) has to overcome to completely be a part of our family.
Hal (person) has talked about how Hal (cat) has helped him to get over the loss of Maxwell, and I feel the same way. It is impossible to deny love to an animal because you lost another one. Hal (cat) had absolutely nothing to do with Maxwell’s condition, but he is also in need of a loving home and that is why Hal (person) decided that he was going to adopt Hal (cat) the other night. Personally, I wonder how my sanity will cope with having two Hals running around here, but I will find a way to cope with it. I certainly never expected this situation!
Right now, Hal (person) is at work, which is unusual for him on an Thursday. When he gets home around noon or so, we will begin the introduction process with the new Stooges. We have a large pen that we will put Spartacus and Stevie Nicks into that will separate them from Hal (cat) as we let Hal (cat) out of the bedroom and let him explore the apartment for the first time. Eventually, Hal (cat) will encounter Spartacus and Stevie Nicks, but there won’t be any conflict, just some noise. After a while, we will open the pen to let Spartacus and Stevie Nicks out as things calm down and the real bonding will begin. This process will at least lessen the shock of the first meeting for all of them. Hal (person) and I will be closely monitoring the situation to prevent any trouble, but we don’t expect any and hope there is none.
I just finished my lunch while at work here from home. Hal (cat) is still sleeping under the bed. Hal (person) has not come home from work yet. My weekly meeting had to be canceled due to other peoples’ scheduling conflicts but that doesn’t upset me at all right now. The events of this week are beginning to wear me out, I hope that I can get a good night of sleep later but until then I have another 6 hours here at work to look forward to when I am not watching Hal (cat) get introduced to his brother and sister.
Hal (person) just got home. It is 12 noon and I have about 30 minutes before the conference calls start up. Since Hal (cat) is still sleeping under the bed, the introduction will wait until both Hals (cat and person) are ready to proceed. I will let Hal (person) take charge of this. Until then, I will be listening in on conference calls and working until 1730.

As you can tell Hal (cat) is awake now and will soon be meeting his Brother (Spartacus) and Sister (Stevie Nicks). I am slightly anxious about the event, but Hal (person) will be in charge of the festivities. In the meantime, the conference call drones on and on and on with no end is sight. Once this is over with, I should NOT have another meeting for the remainder of the day to worry about. It looks like tomorrow will be the monthly local team get-together in the afternoon and that will make the workday go by more quickly. For that I will be grateful.
It is just after 1500 and Hal (person) is having a late lunch. I am still not sure when he wants to introduce Hal (cat) to Spartacus and Stevie Nicks, but I don’t think it will be much longer. In fact the 48 hour window officially passes in about 5 hours anyway. They have all gotten the scent of each other by now and we know that each of them is aware that there is another cat in the place. The only thing left to do is to let them meet under controlled conditions for the first time.
The introductions have been made. Spartacus was almost afraid of Hal (cat) and made no noises at all while I was holding him. Hal (cat) was on high volume and letting everyone know it. When I brought Stevie Bicks into the room, both she and Hal (cat) started hissing and growling at each other. This was fully expected since Stevie Nicks is the Alpha of the household. Thankfully, neither she nor Hal (cat) really wanted to tangle right away, I took Stevie Nicks out of the room and she crept back in several times for another hissing/growling match with Hal (cat), but nothing physical thus far. Hal (cat) has retreated under the bed and Stevie Nicks seems determined to get to him very soon.
At last work is over with for the day. Still no direct conflict between Stevie Nicks and Hal (cat). Hal (person) is letting them work things out on their own time and I agree with his plan. As long as there is no real fighting, things will work out just fine. Obviously, we are staying home tonight, personally this week is catching up with me and I am on the border of exhaustion right now. At least there is only one more day left in this workweek and it will be a short one due to a team lunch tomorrow. Sadly, I will return from that for a meeting, but it is better than no break at all.
After the first 2 rounds, Stevie Nicks is the clear winner.

She has chased Hal (cat) around even though he is slightly larger. They might go another round this evening, but I think that Hal (cat) now knows who the Alpha is around here. Spartacus wanted NO PART of the argument and was content to sit and watch. Spartacus has always been a very smart cat.
So much for now. I will tell more of the story as it unfolds tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great night.


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