Dreamer’s World May 15 2016 - Writing Again
Sunday morning is here, and I am enjoying my quiet time. In fact, this is a long weekend for me. I took Friday off because of an appointment with my Chiropractor, and tomorrow is another day off to go to the dentist. These days off could not have come at a better time for me because I was running into the wall at work. We all get to the point where we just cannot keep going without a break, and I had reached that point.
I was so exhausted and continually busy that my writing suffered. My Evernote is littered with aborted posts that just never made it past the idea phase because I was too tired to concentrate properly. I need to re-prioritize my life again in order to prevent this from happening in the future. In addition to the job, I was working out and practicing my guitar.
Speaking of my guitar, I took the new Squire Strat into Guitar Center yesterday to have it completely inspected and set up to insure proper performance.
I just got the Strat through Amazon on Thursday, and while it seemed to be in very good condition right out of the box, I did notice some of the strings had a bit of corrosion on them. I wasn’t upset because I have no idea how long this guitar had sat around before I ordered it. Guitar Center will adjust the neck and frets, replace the strings, perform a full inspection and then I will pick it up next Saturday or Sunday.
In the meantime, I still have the acoustic/electric guitar to continue to practice on. I prefer the electric because the neck is thinner and easier to stretch my fingers along the frets, but for my initial practicing, it will do just fine.
I find that learning/teaching myself the basics of the guitar is very relaxing because it forces me to leave whatever is bothering me at work behind even more than I normally would and concentrate on something else. I wish I had decided to do this years ago, but we all have things that we keep putting off until “there is more time”. What I have learned is that there is never “more time”, just the way in which we manage the time that we already have.
At any rate, I have been taking the time since Thursday evening to recover. I have been relaxing and walking to get myself right again. I am definitely sleeping much better the last few nights. The key will be how I ease myself back into the routine at work on Tuesday morning. I am deliberately making myself mostly unavailable for other peoples’ tasks that only interfere with my own goals. I think that this is the most important lesson I learned from all the 5 Choices classes that the company recently put me through, As with any system, it is the initial setup and activation that causes the most problems as people adjust to a new way of getting things done.
As for today, I am thinking about putting on my new Chuck Taylors
and running errands while Hal (person) is at work. The weather really turned cooler again after some storms that rolled through here yesterday, but at least the sun is out, and that makes a nice change from the past 3 weeks.
As the afternoon rolls along, I have competed my errands and am waiting for Hal (person) to get home from work. We will probably head over to our favorite restaurant for 1/2 price pizza this evening. After that, we will be home to watch Game of Thrones on HBO before bedtime. Tomorrow I will get up and go to the dentist and then enjoy the rest of the day before returning to work on Tuesday.
As I mentioned earlier, I truly needed this time off. I am enjoying writing once again and that makes it all worthwhile.
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