Dreamer's World May 24 2016 - A Rocky Start

I woke up from a slightly unsuccessful night of sleep 2 hours early this morning with a sense of anxiety. As my thoughts slowly coalesced into reality around me, the feeling intensified and I recognized the symptoms of hypoglycemia. I rolled out of bed and immediately measured my BG and was not surprised to see that the reading said "40"
This is extremely low. The suggested low threshold is 70. My worst fears were confirmed about my anxiety. I immediately took 2 glucose tablets in succession and sat down to wait for things to return to some sense of normal. Actually, this is the toughest part of the process, the wait for my body to get itself back into gear and recover.
During this time, I usually experience the sensation that I am freezing to death regardless of the temperature. Experience has taught me that I have to ride out the shivering for a few minutes until the world slowly returns to normal. At that point I can make a small bowl of oatmeal for my breakfast and just get my day started early because trying to go back to sleep will never be successful.
And so I will take my morning shower in a few minutes before starting work. I will be monitored my BG closely through the rest of the morning and getting my mind focused on work. There will be plenty to keep me busy throughout the day until quitting time this afternoon. I have lots of research to do, notes to prepare, and meetings to attend.
If today were to turn into a great day, I will finally get the phone call from Guitar Center informing me that my Squier Strat is ready to pick up as well. Until that happens I will do what I can to make today a success in every other way.


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