Knowing when to take things easy
It is Saturday morning and I am staying home today in order to get some much-needed rest. This week was rather busy and somewhat depressing after the election disaster on Tuesday. Yesterday I posted about coming out of my political funk, but rather than rushing headlong back into things, I decided that today is a time to rest.
I am taking Monday off from work and Tuesday is a holiday so I will have some time to really get myself together. I think that we often get so wound up in things that we are passionate about, but have no real degree of control over, and we let that consume us. I learned a long time ago when to pick my fights, so to speak, and when to sit and watch. This is one of those times when I choose to sit and watch.
I had made all sorts of plans for today. I was going to get some shopping done and pick up a few items that are needed. I did the grocery shopping last night and am done with that for the time being. Whatever else I might need or want can wait for awhile. I am better off since I have eliminated some debt, but that doesn’t mean that I have to go out and spend the money I saved just because I finally have it.
I will be home through the day until Hal gets back from work. Perhaps we will do something this evening, but I really don’t expect to since Hal also has to work tomorrow and needs his own rest. We will have part of Monday together although I do have a dental appointment that afternoon. Tuesday will be a full day together, and that is something that we both need.
I will be here today, resting, watching some football, and taking time with the Stooges. That will make it a full day. The political issues will still be there when I jump back into the fray.
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