Today is the Day
Today is the day. Today is Election Day. Today we will find out just how much the obscene flow of money into campaigns really affects the outcome of this election. Our elections are no longer based on issues, rather they are based on personalities. The tragic part is that most of the focus is on who NOT TO VOTE FOR, rather than who can do the best job.
Today is the day. Today is Election Day. Today we will find out how the concentrated RWNJ efforts to disenfranchise voters will affect the outcome of this election. Republicans are making a concentrated effort across the nation to restrict just who can vote. This is due to the fact that they realize that demographics are against them. RWNJ appeal to a very select group of voters that cannot possibly carry an election all by themselves. Due to this we have all sorts of scare tactics being used about “voter fraud” in order to justify removing eligible voters from the list and making them have to go through all sorts of obstacles and hassles to be reinstated as voters. If RWNJ policies were so appealing to the majority of Americans, they would actually ENCOURAGE people to vote!
Today is the day. Today is Election Day. Today we will find out how well the scare tactics of the RWNJ have worked. Voters always claim that they are tired of negative campaigns. Will this reflect in the outcome? Or are voters merely saying that they are tired of negative campaigns but secretly influenced by them? The results will probably not provide a clear answer. This phenomenon is tied to the money that secretly flows into campaigns.
Today is the day. Today is Election Day. The ultimate sad truth is that tomorrow the next election cycle will start. While there won’t be any campaign ads for a while, there will be more and more fund-raising from sources both identifiable and secret to prepare for the next election in 2016. THIS is the madness that we need to address. The current process of elections in this country reflects nothing more than how much money can be raised before the next election. Positions and platforms are irrelevant without this money corrupting everything that it touches. Only a handful of people can ever hope to run for office, even with the best of intentions, because they cannot access the flood of money that really determines who we can choose from at any given election.
Today is the day. Today is Election Day.
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