Dreamer's World October 29 2016 - More Progress
I made it through to the weekend. Sadly, insomnia struck early Saturday morning and I was unable to get back to sleep. I am using this time to update my laptop and have some quiet time to write once again. I am also planning out what needs to be done later today after Hal (person) heads off to work.
I am sure that a trip to Costco will be on the agenda, followed by some more reorganizing here in the apartment to get rid of some of the clutter, although this is an ongoing evolution that will not happen all at once. I will definitely be able to get some clothes into the new small dressers that are now positioned under the new bed.This will eliminate one of the current eyesores and that is the pile of clothes that is currently occupying a corner of the room. The guitars now have new prominent places in the room thanks to some over-the-door hangers that I found to hold them.
I might check at IKEA for some drawer compartments to help keep things sorted out in the dressers while I am out later today. Plus, it is always a good thing to browse through IKEA and get ideas for improving the apartment overall.
The Surface Pro 4 is going through its update cycle and I will have to do a restart in a few minutes once the full virus scan is completed. I always do all of the maintenance when I start the Surface Pro 4 because I don’t use it every single day and I want to make sure that there are no shenanigans going on.
The updates are all installed now, it took almost an hour when combined with making sure that all the protection software was also updated. It is now about 0715 and Hal (person) is awake and starting his morning. The Stooges are fed and I am beginning to feel the 3 hours of sleep that I didn’t get catching up on me. I will survive without too much trouble and then be able to rest later.
In the meantime, I am enjoying the silence and trying to focus my thoughts for the upcoming day. We are supposed to have this one last glorious summery weekend with temperatures in the 70 today and the 80s tomorrow before cooler air settles back in. This is another reason why I want to get things done as early as possible today.
I haven’t written recently about my Project Fi experience, but that is mainly because the service is so awesome that I haven’t had any reason to think much about it. That changed this morning only because I have been considering upgrading to the new Pixel XL phone but I saw an article this morning that said the supply problem continues and that those who already have confirmed orders will be waiting at least an extra 2 weeks or more to have their orders filled. I am on the waiting list, but I do not have a confirmed order yet, so this doesn’t impact me. I am extremely interested in getting one of the Pixel XL phones when they are available again, but I missed the last opportunity to purchase one due to the high demand so I will just have to wait until things stabilize with the supply of the devices.
I suppose that this isn’t really a bad thing because it gives me a chance to read reviews written by those people who already have the phone and might identify potential issues with it before I buy one. Therefore, I am not at all disappointed with the wait to get one for myself. I would rather have a good idea of exactly what I am getting prior to spending the money. I must admit that I think that the Pixel and Pixel XL are overpriced, but I cannot do anything about that. THe worst case scenario is that I would just wait until the 2017 versions are released. Until something changes, I am still perfectly happy with my Nexus 5X.
I am also happy to report that my smoking is diminishing further as I continue to vape. I will probably get more cigarettes at some point, but as I am running out the urge and panic is not nearly as great to replace them as it was in the past. I have to remember that this will not happen overnight and that I have to be patient as I make progress. I know that this is the right thing to do and I am glad that I have found this method to help me gradually quit.
The evening is here. I did get the trip to Costco done, and then I came back home and took a nap. Hal (person) came home from work this afternoon and is now taking a nap of his own. It is time for me to wrap up this blog post and enjoy the beautiful evening here.
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