Dreamer's World 02 May 2017 - A Day Of Adjustment

There is nothing quite like the feeling of starting a day at work and then almost immediately noticing that there is a hardware problem that you did not anticipate. In this case, the batteries to the wireless keyboard and mouse have decided that this morning is a great time (for them) to go on strike. Of course, since we are still organizing after the move, any potential replacement batteries are nowhere to be found. It seems as if all the batteries conspired all at once to cause this. Fortunately, the keyboard to the Surface Pro is available and I am quickly back at work after less than 5 minutes.
I hope that this marks the high end of the unplanned excitement for the day. I am waiting until 1530 to leave work and then we will try to relax and get some more things done around here. I will also make every effort to get to bed early this evening since I must try out the new commute to meet with the client tomorrow morning. I will try to keep as close to the old schedule as possible, but since there is no formal meeting anymore, I can alter the time accordingly if I make sure to show my face and keep them advised on things. I might or I might not see my coworkers who also filter through on Wednesday, but since I am there every week, I don't feel any guilt about missing them.
Speaking of feeling, I have been rather cold all morning, and this is rather unusual for me. I hope that I am not coming down with something because I really don’t need the hassle. I suspect it has more to do with lack of a solid 8 hours of sleep than anything else, but I will monitor my BG closely for the rest of the day.
I can hear Hal hard at work in the living room as he organizes things in there for what we both hope will be the last time. Arranging the furniture is much easier with all the crap out of the way. I will help him later this afternoon, or sooner if necessary as I participate in meetings until quitting time.
As quitting time nears, Hal has already morphed the living room into something usable and he is now putting up pictures on the walls to make even more room on the floor. Even though the living room is slightly smaller than the last place, it will turn out looking even better after he has finished. I am glad to report that I no longer feel the chill that I felt earlier in the day. This is good because I really don’t need to be under the weather right now.
For the late afternoon and evening, I suspect that I will make a run to the local consignment store with some old items that we no longer need and drop them off there in the hopes that they can be of use to someone else. I am getting closer to the first round of cooking in the new kitchen, but it will probably wait until the weekend to happen. I have alerted Hal that he should be ready to go when I finish work so we can avoid the rush hour later on. Living this far outside the Beltway means that the rush hour occurs later than we are used to.


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