Dreamer's World May 03 2017 - Halfway Through Another Week

Wednesday turned into a better day than expected for me. Even though I was up an hour earlier to make my trip to meet with the client, I felt good because I did get to bed early last night. The morning trip was less than a mile to the neighborhood Park-And-Ride lot where I caught the bus that got me to the Metro station via the HOV lanes and so there was no delays due to traffic, at least for me.
I managed to time my departure for home extremely well. I will do my best to keep this routine on Wednesdays from now on. I made it home at about the same time of the late morning that I managed at the old apartment, so I didn't have to rearrange my schedule that much. As the day at work winds down, I am attempting to complete the official transfer of the Beetle from Alexandria to Fairfax County. Virginia is very backwards with the way that they handle vehicles because they collect a tax on each vehicle and I must make certain that Alexandria (the old jurisdiction) releases the Beetle or else I will pay a full year of tax on it until hell freezes over, although the vehicle is now registered in Fairfax County (the new jurisdiction) for tax reasons. After a few phone calls, everything is FINALLY settled with both Alexandria and Fairfax County.
Hal spent the morning at the old apartment with a contractor to repair the holes in the wall from his TV mount. He decided that here in the new apartment he would just use the TV stand rather than mount it on the wall again. From what he told me, everything looks great and the last coat of paint is drying. I will go to the old apartment on Saturday to let the cleaning ladies in so everything will be in perfect condition for the return of the keys. The contractor was the person who recommended the cleaning ladies to us and Hal has no reason to question him on this.

I am not sure what we will do this evening, but I am looking forward to the end of the week and the first weekend in the new place without all of the clutter in the way. We have made tremendous progress and the place looks much more like home now. Hal is in charge of the decorating and where to place the pictures so I will let him take his time with all of that. Once everything is complete I will get some good pictures of the new place.


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