Dreamer's World December 23 2016

    The week before Xmas has been one that I never want to repeat. After dealing with the seasonal crud for over a week, I finally had a major attack of the shit and ended up seeing my doctor. Not only was I suffering from the seasonal flu (NEVER TAKING THE GODDAMN FLU SHOT AGAIN), I also had developed an upper respiratory infection. My doctor told me that if I had not seen him for another 48 hours, he would have sent me directly to the hospital. Instead, he prescribed industrial antibiotics for the infection and some industrial medication for the flu. That all happened to me on Tuesday. I am feeling better today, but not back to full strength by any means.
Things got even worse when Hal got sick and he went to see his own doctor yesterday (Thursday) and was given the exact same diagnosis as I had received. We are both trying to fight this shit off with the help of medication, but this has ruined the entire week for the both of us. I have missed 4 days at work, and that is saying a lot about how I felt because I work from home!
After the first day on medication, I slept for nearly 18 hours. I wish that I could manage that again because I am still exhausted right now. Hal (person) feels the same, so at least we don’t have to wonder what the other is going through with this shit. Hopefully we will also get over it at the same time, but if there has to be a variance, I hope that he gets better first simply because I love him that much.
Xmas was not going to be a big deal here before we got sick. Now it means nothing at all, just a day when we can rest and try to feel better. Since this is Friday, I will try to get to the grocery store if I can to pick up enough items to carry us through the weekend and the holiday. Nothing major, probably lots of frozen entrees to have here and some fresh fruit as well.
The Stooges have been wonderful through all of this. They can sense that neither Hal (person) or I have been feeling well, and as a result, we each have our constant companions with us to watch and monitor us. They take turns moving between us in order to stay alert, or so it seems to us. We couldn’t ask for better friends than The Stooges when we feel bad.

If nothing else, I want to rest today and continue to recover from what has easily been the worst week that I can remember in a very long time.


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