Dreamer’s World June 30, 2017 - Adventure

    Today I am embarking on a new adventure. I am going to start writing a separate post each day about a word that I see, or one that comes into my mind. I have become rather proficient with writing about my daily life, and I want to expand my horizons, so to speak. I suppose that the best word to start with is “Adventure” because that is what this will be for me.
    I want to unleash something that is buried deep inside me. I know that there is more than a spark of creativity lurking somewhere that has yet to be unleashed. I am tired of the gnawing feeling that I am capable of much more and I want to give that feeling free reign and see what happens. I have tried following the “writing prompt for the day” but I find that while it does make me think, it really just distracts me from things in order to write about what someone else thought would make a good blog post. I will do my very best to keep these topics separate from the everyday journal types of posts that I already produce.

    I am excited to see how this goes. Life is an adventure and I want to take advantage of it. I hope that the trip is an awesome one.


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