Dreamer’s World July 26, 2017 – One Little Thing That Affects The Rest Of The Day
I made my weekly trip to meet with the client this morning. Everything went well, but I was delayed for a few minutes departing from their offices. This meant that things snowballed, and by the time that I reached the last Metro stop, I had missed my connecting bus by less than 2 minutes. This failure of timing meant that I had to wait for an hour to catch the next bus that would get me back to the park and ride lot where my car was parked.
Although it was a beautiful morning, the delay and the resulting boredom just killed my motivation for this afternoon. I still have to work on the writing project I mentioned yesterday. Being tired to start probably means a difficult time for me as I struggle through it. Of course, I also just got notified that there is ANOTHER meeting that will keep me at work for at least an extra 30 minutes. Therefore, my main goal will be to survive the rest of the day at work and then to see what Hal wants to do afterwards.
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