Dreamer’s World July 29, 2017 – A Break That I Needed

Yesterday, I was just too exhausted to write. Even though I had the day off from work, I was committed to a retirement ceremony in the morning. After I had arrived home, the tiredness caught up with me, and the weather was turning nasty. After a short trip out with Hal, we came back home, and I fell asleep on the couch. We stayed home all evening, and I got a good night of sleep.
I want the only one who got some rest. The Stooges are also taking it easy this morning

Now Saturday morning has arrived, and I feel much more alive. I made certain that Hal got off to work on-time and I am once again enjoying the quiet time here for a while. I will get out to take care of a few errands later, but I don’t plan on going very far. I might not go out at all, to be honest.
The weather is much cooler and cloudy this morning. It gives me a sense of calm, and I am enjoying this writing time without any interruptions. I was disappointed in myself by not writing yesterday, but I realize I needed the break. The thought of just staying home is more appealing than ever. I relish the quiet and I can take the time to recover from the last two weeks, with all the hectic activity that never seemed to end.
One new thing that I am trying is a software app called Grammarly. I was so frustrated with the writing that I had to do for my project. Spelling errors happen at the best of times, but I was writing in the passive tense, I was annoyed with myself. I found that this was right while using Grammarly to review my writing. My goal is to write more clearly and concisely. I want to get my points across as best I can, so my readers will understand my blog posts without becoming bored with extra words.
Using Grammarly means that I am slowing down the frantic pace of which I write a lot of the time. I take the opportunity to see what Grammarly doesn’t like about my writing, and then I make the recommended changes without losing the overall point of the post. I like the sidebar window that shows me the errors after I finish typing. I then go back and make the changes and move on.
I know that changing bad writing habits will take time and effort, but all things worthwhile require this. I consider this investment for myself, and I know that I will get better in the future. Thankfully, Grammarly is available on multiple devices, and I can always access it to check my writing wherever I am. Grammarly will help me when I start my next writing task at work.

It is lunchtime, and I didn’t realize it until l looked at the clock. Time to take a short break from here and get myself organized.


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