Dreamer’s World July 3, 2017 - Comfort
I suppose that comfort is a thing to write about. It means so
many different things to people. For me personally, it means having peace of
mind about my life and not stressing about things that I cannot control. Sure,
there are physical comfort things, but I find that those are more easily dealt
with once my mind is at ease about things. I believe that greed is the greatest
cause for lack of comfort in our lives. Unfortunately, greed is a monster that
will devour you if you allow it to take control over your life.
I don’t think that anyone has ever achieved comfort through the
pursuit of material possessions. I suppose that there are those who will claim
to have comfort from all the things that they have accumulated throughout a
lifetime, but I wonder at what price they managed that. I find that constantly
pursuing something to make me more comfortable ends up with me feeling even
less comfortable than I was before. The chase is exhausting, and I don’t believe
it is worth the effort. I speak from experience, I used to move heaven and
earth to stay up to date with the latest tech fads. I was never guilty of the
same pursuit regarding fashion or entertainment, I suppose that taught me the
discipline to gradually wean me away from the tech toys issue. I am convinced
that there is psychology at work with the entire definition of comfort as it
relates to material possessions.
I love my life now. I would not trade it for anything because I
am comfortable at last. The insane burning desire to accumulate is finally in
the past. I take more pleasure in everyday things now, and I allow them to
bring me comfort. I take comfort from life and it helps me to enjoy my life
even more. I don’t claim that my life is perfect, that would be impossible. I
mean that I am at the point where comfort comes from within. This is the lesson
that took me many years to learn and I still don’t claim to have mastered it
completely, but I know that I am on my way.
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