And the SNOW begins
It is approximately 9 pm on Wednesday night. The much-hyped Winter Storm Pax arrived here in Alexandria at approximately 7:45 pm and within 10 minutes, the cars in the apartment parking lot (including mine) were covered in snow. Right now the snow is continuing to fall, but it is not the big, puffy flakes that indicate the main part of the storm has arrived. The forecast actually indicates that the real heavy snow will start around midnight.
I submitted a telecommuting request for work tomorrow. I decided early this morning that I want no part of the mess on the roads tomorrow morning. Since I am a contractor, there is no such thing as a snow day. I would have to either take a day of vacation or telecommute. I chose the telecommuting option in order to preserve my balance of vacation hours, which I usually take during the summer.
Since the snow is supposed to last through most of the day tomorrow, I predict lots of pictures will be taken. At least I can really sleep in tomorrow morning before starting my day via the laptop. I hope to make it a relaxing day of work without any worries about getting on the roads to and from the office.
Some of the forecasts have said that this storm will not equal Snowmageddon from 2010. Most of the estimates are for less than a foot of snow. I just hope that warm weather will arrive very soon in order to get the mess cleared up, but that remains to be seen. I am ready for Spring!
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