My new iPod
I got the new iPod Touch 5th generation iPod recently to replace my ancient iPod from 7 years ago. I was hesitant at first to purchase this new iPod, not because I didn't need/want a new one, but because of all of the extra bells and whistles that come with this version. I always thought of an iPod as something to carry my music on and nothing more. I wasn't sure about the newer version that is basically everything but an iPhone.
Eventually, the need to have my music forced me into making the decision. The old iPod will not hold a charge for more than an hour, and having to constantly charge it was really getting old.

I settled on the Blue 32GB version. I also found an inexpensive case that will protect it and hopefully keep it in good condition for a long time. The yellow seemed to be a nice contrast to the blue of the iPod itself, and I am happy with the choice.
I am happy with the performance of the new iPod. Other than one glitch with syncing, it has performed flawlessly. As far as the other features, I find myself using the iPod for Twitter and G+ since I can easily have it in my pocket and I usually have my WiFi hotspot with me when I travel. The ability to sync via Bluetooth to a speaker is also a big plus, since I do love my music.
The new iPod has me seriously considering an iPhone in the future. I love Android, but Apple does such a wonderful job of tying everything together that it is rather hard to ignore the appeal. I have to admit that I like the iPhone 5c because of the color selection and also because of the lack of a fingerprint sensor, which seems like overkill on a cell phone to me. It isn't terribly relevant at this time, because I hold on to items like cell phones as long as they are working properly.
Along with NY SOL Republic headphones, I am set for the foreseeable future as far as tech toys are concerned.
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