Funky Friday
As I am trying to get things organized here at the office on a warm and rainy Friday morning I am also glad to see the end of this week. Office politics has reared its ugly head this week and I am trying my best to stay out of things altogether. Because this is a remote office, the politics I speak of often involve issues that people have with others who are located thousands of miles away. This makes the issues much more toxic because they cannot be directly addressed, let alone resolved. The CEO will be in town next week for his holiday visit, and there have been muted rumblings that "this will be talked about when the boss is here". I wish my coworkers luck with that, personally I believe that they are walking into a field of landmines without a map. However, they are adults and are capable of making their own decisions. I will just watch and see what happens.
On the home front, the warm weather has really messed with my sleep cycle. The apartment building we live in has a centrally controlled system of heat and AC. This means at a certain point in the year the AC is turned completely off and the heat is turned on. When there is unusually warm weather, there is nothing we can do other than open the windows and hope for a nice cool breeze. Sadly, that has not been available the last 2 nights. I wake up feeling that I never went to sleep, it makes my days really unpleasant and leaves me longing for cold weather in order to get some rest. We have already decided that we will be moving out next summer to a place that allows us to control both heat and AC throughout the year in our own apartment. Until then, the situation will not change.
As for the weekend, I am hoping that the weather will cool off in order to get some rest. If that happens I will see what else there is to do. I might do a little shopping to replace a pair of old shoes that are finally wearing out after 20 years. This is probably going to be the highlight of my weekend.
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