Dreamer's World July 13 2016
Wednesday is here at last. This first week at work after vacation will soon be halfway over, and I am glad of that. I am still somewhat disappointed by the news yesterday about Bernie Sanders, but life does go on. On the personal side I am not traveling to meet with the client today due to ongoing track work with the Metro system that really messes up the commute that I would have to endure. This would be especially true of my return trip later in the morning because all of the contingency plans are made for the morning and evening rush hours. With that in mind, it made more sense to ask to be dialed into the meeting rather than spend a lot of extra time getting there and back.
Apparently, there was not a meeting this morning. I never received a call from the conference room. From time to time, there isn't a Wednesday meeting and I don't know about it until I arrive at the client's office. I am not worried if there was one since I did submit my status report in writing yesterday afternoon.
I am glad that today is my early day. I didn't sleep that well last night and am really looking forward to a nap immediately after work ends at 1530 today. I normally don't take naps, but I really feel the need for one today after work. Since the weather looks like storms are on the way, it will be a good afternoon to make a change to my routine. Until then, I have work to do, and also I have to make sure that Hal (person) is ready to go to his job later today.
I had neglected to mention that the free data-only SIM card arrived from Project Fi (at last) after they tore a hole in FedEx regarding the delayed delivery. I took my iPad and removed the carrier SIM and replaced it with the Project Fi SIM and was immediately back up and running. Any data charges that I incur while on the Project Fi network will become part of my phone data allottment, but since I almost never take the iPad anywhere without WiFi, I shouldn't notice any increase in my data usage, but it is free and still nice to have the Project Fi coverage now.
I am saving money to completely remove myself from my current provider and switch to Project FI full-time as soon as possible in order to save well over $100 a month on my phone bill. I wish that I had made the switch sooner, but I was hesitant about it. On the other hand, it would have cost me so much more to complete my obligation with my current carrier as well. Another example of living and learning as life goes on.
I just notied that the iPhone is completely dead since I haven't charged it in at least 4 days. I have my calls set to forward to the Nexus 5X, and I have had zero difficulty in the switch back to Android, as I predicted. This gives me more confidence that the time to wrap things up with my current carrier is rapidly approaching.
I wish that there was something incredibly interesting and exciting to write about that is going on around here, but things are quiet. The Stooges are all doing well, and I love having time with them throughout the day. I really wonder at times if I could ever go back to working at an office every day, knowing what I would miss by working from home. Watching Stevie Nicks and Hal The Cat as they wrestle with each other throughout the day is priceless. I remember how I would come home from the job totally exhausted and struggle to find the time to pay attention to the Stooges, but now that isn't a problem for me.
Hal (person) just left for work. I hope that any storms we might get will hold off until after he gets back home, or at the very least they will pass through while he is at work. Driving in the DMV is an adventure at the best of times, when there is inclement weather these people simply lose their damn minds!
I will think about lunch in a few minutes. My BG is back to normal this morning after a weird day yesterday. The BG fluctuation probably explains why I was unable to sleep well last night. I will keep a close eye on it for the rest of the day as I get things done here at work.
I keep thinking about getting back into the kitchen on a regular basis to do some cooking, but I always seem to forget about it. At the end of this week, I will try once again to make myself get what I need from the store and then use the weekend to do the cooking that I want to do. After all, it isn't like I will be missing out on lots of really interesting things because I almost always stay home on the weekend anyway.
The day is over with and the nap is clearly calling out to me. I wish that I was feeling energetic enough to do something, but clearly, I need the rest and will stay here at home. There is enough food in the refirgerator to get me through today and tomorrow without any trouble. My first goal will be a nice hot shower to help relax me before laying down. With luck, at least one of The Stooges will spend that quality time with me. I don't plan to sleep through until the morning, I just need about an hour or so to recharge.
The weather has not turned nasty, in fact, the sun has come out this afternoon. It is warm, but not oppressively hot outside so I should be comfortable enough when I get out of the shower and take my nap. Hal (person) hasn't come back from work yet, but I guess that he had some errands that he had to take care of after work.
Hal (person) made it home, and sure enough he had gone to the store after he left work. Now I can completely relax and get ready for that shower and nap I promised myself.
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