Dreamer's World May 4 2015 - Happy Star Wars Day!
Since I find myself, as seems to be the case far too often, awake with insomnia at 0300, once again trying to find a way to keep my mind occupied. It is something that I have learned to do as I deal with nights like this. I never turn on the TV, because that will just bore and annoy me, especially at this time of night. Instead, I need to find a way to do something useful with my time.
I am attempting to refocus my energy right now. In addition to my writing, I have been thinking about how to improve my job performance. This is NOT the reason that I cannot sleep. I wish I had the answer to that riddle, trust me. Rather than make myself any crazier, I am going over things that I can improve upon and things that I can add to make me more productive.
This is something like creating a to-do list, but I am taking the time to write it down, although not here in this post. I have set some tasks for myself for the upcoming work week and I will fit them into my schedule as best I can around the normal items and the meetings. It will take some effort, but I believe it will be worth it in the long run.
I have also decided to take a similar approach to the rest of my life. Not in terms of productivity, but rather in terms of being a better person. I have the insomnia-induced luxury of time right now to get started. I have been looking at my life and realize that I spend far too much time not doing what I want to do when I have the time. I'm not certain why I have fallen into this rut, but I need to get out of it.
I think that the decision to work from home has made this easier to identify and I hope that will also make it easier to overcome. Last week, I started going back to the gym. That was something that is long overdue. Luckily, I have Hal with me to keep me motivated. When I was commuting back and forth to the office, the last thing I wanted to do at the end of the day was to exercise.
I also, looking back at the weekend, realize that I must make better use of my free time. Staying around the apartment doesn't help !e that much. I need to get out while Hal works on Saturday and Sunday to do things for myself. As the old saying goes, we only live once, and there are times when I feel like I am really missing out on too many things. I am resolving to do things next weekend that I would simply like to do to help pass the time when Hal is at work. This doesn't involve anything spectacular like skydiving or alligator wrestling, so I'm not breaking out of the routine to that degree, but I do need to get out more now that the weather has turned nice.
I managed to get about 2 more hours of sleep before I had to get up and start my day working from home. I am really feeling the effects of last night right now after lunch, but my resolve remains strong. I have gotten several tasks knocked off today that I specifically listed for myself at some point in the middle of last night. I just wish I could get back to a normal sleep routine and then have everything organized the way I want it!
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