Dreamer’s World May 6 2015 - A Change To A New Routine


     There are always days when things are thrown out of the normal routine,and toady is one of those days for me. The normal weekly meeting with the client has been moved from the morning until the early afternoon. This isn’t a huge deal, but it does necessitate my planning my trip around the bus schedule. Normally, I would have the shuttle from the apartment to Metro, but it doesn’t run during the middle of the day. I will leave here no later than 12 noon for the bus inn order to get to Metro and the train to get me to the client’s office before the 1300 meeting.
     The day starts just like any other day. I have my tasks to update and the emails to answer. At least I am working from home now, so I can stay comfortable for as long as possible before changing clothes to get ready for the meeting. I will be as busy as possible before I leave later this morning.
     On the personal side, I am waiting for my new iPhone to arrive today as well. The LG G3 continues to brick with no sign of ever improving. T-Mobile has been extremely helpful through all of this, but I have had it with Android for the time being. When they decide that it is time to make all the manufacturers conform to basic standards and just put stock Android on their devices, I will probably switch back, but for now I need a phone that works and doesn’t just sit there and consume battery life far too quickly.
     Prior to the last Android update (Lollipop), the G3 would last me all day with heavy usage without a problem. Now the battery drops 5% just by looking at the screen, and this is unacceptable. With my luck, the new phone will arrive while I am away at the client meeting this afternoon, but I will just activate it after work when I have the time. In addition to the afternoon meeting, I also have a doctor’s appointment at 1600, but that is something that won’t take too long and is within a block of the apartment anyway. So, I should be home and completely finished with the day by 1700 and than I can activate the new phone and enjoy the evening.
     Fortunately, I have everything ahead of schedule this morning and am in no rush to get ready for the trip to meet with the client. Not surprisingly, I will be the only one of three employees that will be at the meeting. I seldom miss these meetings, but the other two employees have a habit of announcing that they cannot be there for various reasons. I know that most of these are perfectly valid, but it does leave me with the burden of representing the company to the client on a weekly basis. I take it as an opportunity to shine.
     Looking at the weather, there is a very good chance that it will be raining by the time I am heading home from the meeting. This is one disadvantage of traveling via bus, but that cannot be helped because parking is impossible at the client’s location without paying a mortgage to park for a few hours. I have never paid that amount of money and I refuse to do so now that I am working from home. It also is worth noting that the traffic here, which is bad at the best of times, is completely unbearable when bad weather is present. With all those factors, I choose to take the bus and Metro to and from these meetings.
     Hal just left for his job. He only works on Wednesdays during the week. His schedule is always light on Wednesdays. I will be gone before he returns, so I am making sure that the Stooges are cared for prior to leaving. Once this day is over with, I can plan to relax and get used to the new phone. Thankfully, tomorrow things would be back to the normal routine around here.
     The meeting went smoothly this afternoon and I am glad to report that I got an excellent report from the doctor during my visit after work. Those things are now behind me and I feel so much better this evening.
     The new iPhone arrived, I picked it up from the apartment office after coming back from the doctor. The initial activation turned into a rather lengthy adventure with all the updates that had to be added to the phone, as well as getting my apps installed. Once this is complete, I am off to bed to get ready for tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting back into the iPhone routine. There will be some adjustments, but again, I will address them tomorrow.



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