Google Docs


As I am writing on a daily basis, I have found myself moving more and more into Google Docs to keep track of my writing. I find it such a useful platform to coordinate these blog posts so I can access them across operating platforms without any interruption. The convenience factor is amazing. I am checking out an add-on to Google Docs called “Docs to WordPress” as a means of streamlining my writing process for the next few days to see how it works.

The ease of having things up-to-date wherever I am is so appealing to me. I have been a user of Evernote, and it remains a wonderful program, but it does require some effort at times to keep a blog post consistent across platforms. Images are one of the areas that I constantly seem to have difficulty with. I am impressed by the ease of placing an image into a Google doc and having it appear exactly the same when I go back to edit it later. I will be experimenting with this to see how well it works.


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