Dreamer's World August 2 2015

Awake again in the middle of the night. I could note get back to sleep after waking up at 0300 this morning. It has been a painful day as a result, and I am exhausted right now. I hope to get to bed early tonight to make up for this.
I just had a phone call from a friend asking me for my recommendation regarding a laptop. Obviously, this person does not read my blog because I rave about my Chromebook all the time. It isn't my decision to make, he seems set on getting one of the Macbook Pros with the Retina display. As long as he isn't spending my money on this, I am sure that he will get an excellent machine, and that he will be very happy with it. He isn't the most technically savvy person, so he depends on advice from others when he finally decides to do anything related to computers. I gave him the pros and cons, and advised him to consider getting a Macbook Air or Pro without the Retina display, but he will not listen, although he keeps texting me from Best Buy as he is trying to decide what he really wants
I tried to give him advice about a Chromebook, but that was an exercise in futility. He wants what he wants, and will have to live with the results and the money spent. I no longer have any burning desire to purchase a Macbook since I am a die-hard Chromebook fanboy now. If I had the money burning a hole in my pocket and nothing else to do with it, I would get another Chromebook! At any rate, that is the exciting afternoon I have going on here.
Hopefully, I can relax and have something nice for dinner but I am not cooking when I am this tired. A frozen entree will have to do for this afternoon. I am glad that I stocked up on those during my grocery trip yesterday. Perhaps tomorrow or Tuesday I will make more salmon patties to have for lunches and dinners. It has been about 2 months since I made the last batch and I think that I have the recipe finalized now. 2 cans of boned salmon, well drained and 2 eggs and 2 tsp of mayonnaise along with cracker crumbs and some corn meal. I dice up onion and green bell pepper to add to the mix as well before forming the patties and frying them. Making myself hungry right now.
When I do make the next batch of patties, I hope they turn out as good as this last one did. They were delicious and I got 10 parries out of the mix, without them turning out too large or too small. The best way to have the salmon patties, in my personal opinion, is with mashed potatoes and green beans. I also throw a slice of raw onion and cucumber on the plate as well.
I just got the phone call that our friend has purchased his Macbook Pro with Retina display after all. I fully expect him to call later because he cannot figure out how to set the thing up. I did say that he was technically challenged, didn't I? I will help if I can, but he has to learn sometime and a lot will depend on how I feel later.
I still haven't slept yet and it is nearly 2000. I am going to bed in a few minutes and hopefully exhaustion will send me to sleep quickly. I want to be refreshed for tomorrow at work.
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