Dreamer’s World August 31 2015

I often think about where I like to be when I write. I have established a few places here in the apartment that I use specifically for writing in my blog. I find that a consistent place and setting helps me to concentrate more when I need to.

The first place is the desk that also functions as my home office. I have the Mac here and available to me alongside the 2 work laptops that I use for my job. It is convenient to have everything in one place during the workday because it gives me the opportunity to start a blog post while I am working without having to get up and go somewhere else to do it. I am old-fashioned enough to never write a blog post on the company machines because that is not why there are here. A quick shuffling of keyboards is all that I need to swap between machines. This is the place that offers convenience for me.
One of the nicest things I ever did for myself was to purchase the desk I work from. I got it at IKEA and it is one that I can adjust to a standing desk position in orer to keep me from just sitting in the same position all of the time. The adjustment is electric/hydraulic so there is no cranking the desk up and down which is great for me!

I seldom write at the Mac once the workday os over with due to the fact that I have already spent so much time in that location. This is the time where my Chromebooks and Chromebase com in handy. The Chromebase site on a table and is always available to me in a nice well-lit area where I can look out of the window as I am writing. The Chromebooks allow me to go anywhere else in the apartment, or anywhere else for that matter in order to write. I love the flexibility that the Chromebase and Chromebooks provide me. A change of scenery is often what I need when I am writing.

There are times when I will take the smaller Chromebook with me when I leave the apartment, although I don’t do this as often as I would like to. This is something that I truly enjoy. I can sit somewhere and write and Google Docs allows me to save the doc locally or I can use the hotspot on my iPhone to connect to the web when I am out.

I think that variety in places that we write is very important. Personally, I find I get writing claustrophobia from constantly writing in just one location. I love the ability to be able to write when I see something that inspires me, rather than try to remember the moment until I get back home. This is also where having the camera on my iPhone comes in so very handy. I need to try to attach more pictures to my posts. That usually makes them more interesting to the readers. Sometimes the hardest part is to get the pictures loaded into Evernote for preparation in the first place!

I occasionally experiment with ways to prepare and publish my blog posts to Wordpress and Blogger. I have to admit that I seldom get feedback from the Blogger site, and I am wondering if I should even bother with it anymore. Wordpress does provide me with feedback and comments from those who do read this blog, and those comments are always appreciated.

The Chromebase

11.6 HP Chromebook

11.6 HP Chromebook

Acer 13.3 Chromebook

Acer 13.3 Chromebook


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