Dreamer’s World August 8 2015 - My Saturday

I am posting this because I want to write. I completed a blog post earlier that was very concept-driven, but I want to write free-form as well. My Saturday has been mainly quiet, but I did make a trip out this morning for a specific reason.

I went to America’s Best Eyeglasses to check out some frames that I would like to get for myself after my eye exam next Friday. My insurance is very limited in coverage because the company I work for is located in California and I am on the east coast. Therefore, most places won’t accept my insurance coverage. America’s Best is one of the options that I have and I found a few frames that I am very interested in. I am tired of my old frames, and I will be getting new ones even if my prescription does not change from my last visit.

America’s Best is having a special that will enable me to get 2 pair of glasses with the 2nd pair being 50% off. This is a good deal since I can get 2 different frames to mix things up. I am going to upgrade my glasses with this offer. I will just have to see how much my insurance will cover and pay the rest myself. I am tired of taking the bargain table frames because they are cheap. I have managed to get back on my feet financially and I owe this to myself.

After that, I made a quick stop at the grocery store and came home. It has been quiet since then, but that is no surprise to me. Hal is still at work and I don’t know if he will want to do anything or go anywhere until after he gets home. I would like to get out for a while, but I won’t complain too much if he wants to stay at home either. This is the daily dance that we go through because I work M-F and Hal works weekends. It is a difficult schedule, but we make sure that we spend all the time together that we can. In fact, it is one of the main reasons that I decided to work from home during the week when I was given the opportunity to do so.

Hal’s birthday is now less than a week away. The gifts will be arriving via Amazon sometime early next week. There is one that might not make it here exactly on time, but I will know more once it is shipped and I can track it. I hope he likes the items that I have selected for him, they are full of symbolism and I know he loves that. As far as a celebration, he has said that he wants a quiet birthday this year. Therefore, I am not calling people to organize anything. It is still a very real possibility that friends might try to put something together, but if they contact me as part of the planning I will tell them to back off. Perhaps a few friends might be invited over to celebrate, but again that is up to Hal to decide. I am staying out of things until I know that they are actually happening.

At least I am another week closer to my 1-week vacation for the week of Labor Day. It feels like I am running a marathon and have passed the 22 mile mark and feel like I will never get to the finish line! I strongly suspect that I will arrange to take the Friday before Labor Day off as well, and I won’t rule out the possibility of taking a Friday off before then either. I am wearing myself out and I can feel it. I’m not as young as I used to be after all.

On the bright side, I am pleased with my BG progress after my initial visit with my new doctor. I am monitoring things closely and determining patterns which will allow for more effective treatment, which we will discuss when I go back to him on the 19th of August. My old doctor would do nothing like this, that is why I left him. I am consciously monitoring what I eat and when I take my medications as part of the goal to reduce what I am taking. This is the holistic approach that I have been looking for from a doctor all along. Too often, doctors just want to throw meds at you and see you the next time. I am not surprised to hear that my new doctor strongly suspects that I have been overmedicated. I believe that myself.

It is nearly 1700 and Hal got home about an hour ago. He has decided that he does not want to go anywhere this evening. This is completely fine with me, it gives us more time together and also time with the Stooges. I will also have more time to write and reflect on what is happening here today. I might try to take a nap in a little while so I am not running down as the evening progresses.

As far as getting out of here, I can do that tomorrow while Hal is at work again. I accomplished my main goal earlier today of looking for new glasses. Anything else would be superfluous and not very productive. The time together is much more important than spending it apart. If that means staying at home, then I am in favor of staying at home. We will talk and end up watching a movie together this evening before bedtime. It is a routine that we are both comfortable with. Since there is no one else involved in this decision, their opinions don’t matter to us anymore.

We have noticed recently that we are hearing from friends less and less. I think this is because of an incident several weeks ago in which a “former friend” tried to manipulate Hal and I into doing things that benefitted only that other person. We saw through the game almost immediately, and we put a stop to that effort. If that person has influence over others, then that is their problem and not ours. We are better off without the drama and the hysterics without a doubt.


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