Dreamer’s World January 13 2016 - Our New Project

A project Hal (person) and I have going on is reorganizing the second bedroom/office. Eventually the bed that is here will be gone and a daybed will be put in its place. This will free up some much-needed floor space in here. We are also attacking the rest of the room as well. Hal has been on the hunt for a bookcase/shelving unit that will fit into a corner spot that is not really that large. I think I found what he is looking for at IKEA, so it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that we are going there in the next few days.
Once the room is finished, it will seem as if we have moved to a new place. The clutter will be all gone and it will be a more comfortable place for me to work in as well as for relaxing in the evening with the second TV that is already in the room. Normally, I would take a picture of the before condition, but that was rather beyond messy with all the stuff that will be purged and thrown out over the next few days as we decide when to purchase the daybed and have it delivered.

This is what the space looks like now. Not nearly as bad, but the daybed will create more room. It is amazing how much stuff we had allowed to accumulate on the bed as if it were a storage platform. The daybed that we will get looks like this.

It will make the room look entirely different. Thank goodness for IKEA! IKEA is also the place where I found the bookshelf that Hal (person) has already said would work in this space

Once we get this project finished, we will find something else to work on, but since it is an apartment we don’t have to worry about renovations or stuff like that. It is nothing like owning a home, but neither of us wants that. We enjoy the freedom of knowing that if we decide that we no longer like an area that we can move somewhere else.
The best benefit of this whole evolution is that we are once again purging and paring down on things that we both have accumulated through the years. Possessions aren’t what are important, people and relationships are. When you have those, life is good with or without lots of stuff cluttering up your life.


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