Dreamer’s World January 22 2016 - As The Snow Falls
It might sound strange to some, but I am finally relaxing now that the snow has begun falling here. All of the relentless hype and fear-mongering of the last 3-4 days can finally begin to subside. There is nothing really that can be done about the weather, complaining about it does no good, and neither does creating mass hysteria. It is the sense of the storm actually happening that is giving me a sense of peace right now.
We are as prepared as we can possibly be. We won’t have to be outside other than to take pictures. We have food and supplies here to last us for several days. Our biggest concern is that the power stays on. Since the lines are below ground in the immediate area, it is hard to predict how great the canes for a loss of power are. At some point near the substation, the lines are probably above ground, and that will be the weakest point in the chain. We picked up firewood from the apartment office earlier today just in case we do lose power. We will at least be able to stay warm by using the fireplace if it becomes necessary.
One of the things about snow is that it deadens sound. It makes everything strangely beautiful and silent. This contributes to the sense of peace I am so fond of. There is no point in having the TV on now because the media will be blaring out more panic and hysteria, but you know what, it is already too late. The #snowpocalypse2016 is here!
At 1900 in the evening, the snow seems to have died down for a bit, but the forecast still calls for things to get much worse overnight. The only thing we can do is just stay here and wait the storm out but that might not be until Sunday morning. This is the second time in 15 years that we have faced a storm like this here in the DC area. The last one was the big storm of 2010, but the experts are saying that this one will be much worse.
It is almost 2300 and I am finishing this for tonight. I have no idea how much snow we have thus far, we will see what things look like tomorrow and I will provide a few pictures.
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