Dreamer’s World January 23 2016 - Sometimes it is the smallest things that mean the most

As I was going through my list of blogs that I follow, I made a comment last night. The blog, which I highly recommend is:
     Nothing unusual about that, but when the author, whom I have followed for some time, reached out and responded personally to me I felt like a million bucks. Isn’t it amazing that such small acts of kindness can create such a wonderful impression on us?
     This morning I also received a very nice response from another follower:
     Her response was much more inquisitive about how things work here as opposed to in her home country. I love that she took the time to reach out and ask me questions.
     I wish I knew what the secret was to make us always feel that we need to be nice to one another, not out of a sense of responsibility or because we have some ulterior motive, but because it is the human thing to do. Why is it that we can become so jaded that we take those around us for granted? Sure, there are assholes in life, but not everyone is an asshole, not by a long shot. Yet we always seem to expect the least from everyone based on the negative experiences that we ourselves have had in the past.
     What a tremendous waste of time and effort those feelings are. They pale into nothing when compared to the exhilaration of human interaction and contact. The need to reach out and feel accepted is universal. Sadly we far too often will forsake the risk because we fear failure or rejection.
     One of the very hardest lessons I ever learned was also one of the most simple. Being happy is a choice that we have to make for ourselves. It won’t always mean that we will be happy 100% of the time, but it opens the possibilities up to us on a much greater level if we decide that happiness is what we want for ourselves. Making that decision eventually shows when you interact with other people in the most ordinary ways. In turn, those people are much more likely to be attracted to someone who projects that choice that they have made.
     Never let anyone have such a level of control over you that you are no longer able to choose to be happy. If we have a soul, losing the ability to make that choice is the closest equivalent to losing a soul that I can think of. We become empty shells without that choice, and will complete the self-fulfilling prophecy of not being happy in the future because we aren’t happy now.

     Take the time to make the decision to be happy. And take the time to send some positive wishes and comments on to others. It makes a world of difference.


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