Dreamer’s World January 29 2016

I have successfully navigated yet another week. The strange thing that I realize is that by Monday, January will be left in the dust of history, or in this case, the snow pile of history. It seems like only yesterday that we were all excited about 2016 getting started, and now we begin to see how quickly it is passing us by.
     I am hoping for a relatively quiet day at work, and that should be the case since there is nothing major on the agenda right now. We continue to wait on results that will finally allow us to access some systems again via VPN. Installing the new equipment and firewalls just has taken far too long. The timeframe for completion of this effort has steadily slipped from November until now, with no end in sight. This makes the job rather frustrating at times to say the least.
     I just found out that my last meeting of the day has been pushed back, but it won’t cause me to stay any later at work so I am grateful about that. I walked into the kitchen a few minutes ago and found Hal (person) busy chopping green peppers and onions. I suspect that he might be making more of his devastating spaghetti for us to enjoy this weekend. If so, I am ecstatic about it! I am cautious though, because Hal (person) clearly stated that he was actually going to make a cake. I am not convinced.
     The afternoon is moving by rather slowly, but that is normal for a Friday. The weekend looms ahead, full of promise. I am going to redesign my blog this weekend, and it might go through several incarnations before I am happy with it. It should be interesting to say the least.
     Another thing I will do this weekend will be to read. I want to start the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. I read most of those books years ago, and I loved them. I never made it through all of the books, but now thanks to my Kindle, I can read them again from the beginning. This will take some time to accomplish, but I know that I will get hours of enjoyment from it.
     After work, Hal (person) and I will make a trip to Harris Teeter for the grocery items that we need. The list isn’t long and the trip should be rather quick. We have no other plans to go out this evening since Hal (person) has to go to work in the morning. It will be the first time he has been at work in almost 2 weeks due to the snowstorm that hit last weekend.

     Tonight will be quiet and spent at home. I am signing off early and will be back tomorrow.


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