Dreamer's World April 29 2015

Today marks the first day that I had to travel from the home office to meet with the client. I am happy to report that things went exceedingly well. The transit time is almost identical getting there, getting back home takes a little longer, but it is nothing that I cannot manage without any trouble.
It is a beautiful day here, and I am glad to be working from home to enjoy it without an office closing in around me. I am still waiting to hear about the desk delivery that is scheduled to take place tomorrow. I need to hear from them about a more exact time frame for things to happen.
Once my workday ends, I will see what Hal would like to do this afternoon/evening. It would be a shame to waste such a beautiful day.I might have spoken too soon, Hal came home from work and has gone to take a nap, This is usually a sign that there will be nothing going on for the rest of the day. If that is the case, it will be OK with me. I will just enjoy the sunshine on the balcony and make any short trips that I might need to.
I ended up taking a nap because I am really feeling the burn from yesterday’s workout. I disassembled the old computer desk to clear out the space for the new one arriving tomorrow and am totally wiped out. I will try to do better with tomorrow’s entry.
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