Dreamer’s World November 20 2015

Friday is here at last. This week seems to have lasted for over a month. I don’t know why it has worn me out to such a degree, but this has been awful. I am hoping for a quiet Friday that will open up a weekend that is either full of excitement or totally quiet.
Spartacus doesn’t seem to have quite the hard time with this week as I have. When you’re a cat, every day is a weekend.

Hal is in the background going through his email, or Facebook, or something this morning. Spartacus decided that it was time to pose for the camera and I wanted to make sure that I obliged him. Spartacus is one of the older Stooge Brothers, he is 15 years old now. He and Maxwell are such a part of the family, they have always been totally wonderful to be around.
Spartacus has always been more of Hal’s baby, there is no question about that.

Spartacus does enjoy laying in the sun where it is warm, just like all cats do. For once, Hal has closed the bedroom door so Spartacus cannot get to him. Spartacus doesn’t look too concerned about this, does he?
On an unrelated topic, my new Moleskine Evernote notebook arrived today. I am looking forward to using it.

I will try to remember to take the notebook with me when I go out, especially on the weekends so that I can jot down things and not spend my time trying to type on the iPhone. With this notebook, I just snap a picture of the page when I am done, and it is imported into Evernote automatically. It also includes some colored tags that integrate with my Evernote online notebooks. I am really looking forward to using it. I have never given up my love of pen and paper, even in the digital age.
Hal and I have talked about going out after I finish work this afternoon. I hope that is still the case, if not, I will definitely go out tomorrow while he is at work. I need to get away from here for a little while. It is one of the disadvantages of working from home that I am in the same place all of the time. If we do go out, I am stopping at the Apple Store to browse, or if we don’t go near there, I will do the same at Best Buy. I want to see tech toys for a change since I have deliberately kept myself away from them for so long. The trouble is, that the more I think about this, the less enthusiastic I become. I have held back from tech stuff purchases for so long that I am actually kinda gun-shy about actually buying anything unless what I have totally needs replacing. I guess it is s sign of maturity, but it does take the fun out of things for me.

I am glad to report that Maxwell is doing much better after his recent visit to the vet. Since they suspect a kidney infection, we give him medicine with his food every day. He looks and acts much more energetic now and we are hoping that he will put some weight back on. The main thing is that there is nothing terribly serious going on with him. The only we have spent on him in the last month has been worth it to see him feeling and acting better.
It looks like Hal and I will just go to Shooter McGee’s for dinner and then come back home, it is all the way across the street after all. I think this is probably the best solution for this evening. I can always go out tomorrow if I choose to. We always have a great time at Shooters, the food is excellent and the atmosphere is terrific. We are fortunate to live so close that we can just walk over without any trouble.

This was the view that we had when we leftfor dinner. It has turned into a beautiful night here. Dinner was awesome, as we espected it to be. We came back home afterwards and have been relaxing for the evening. I am warching Kentucky play Wright State on TV and hoping that UK continues to improve. Coach Calipari is really on the kids tonight to get them to improve early in the season. They beat Duke earlier this week, and that is a great win, but this is only November. There is a lot more basketball this season.
I don't plan to stay up late this evening, but I do want to get my BG down to a normal level. Early in the afternoon, I had a cup of instant soup that really caused things to skyrocket. I took my medicine before dinner and will measure BG again before bedtime. Once I get things under control I can think about bedtime. Between now and then, I am going to drink plenty of water to detox myself.
There are some possible plans for tomorrow, but nothing major. Perhaps a trip to IKEA for a small laptop table to have here near my desk, but that is about it except perhaps lunch while I am out. A lot will depend on the weather tomorrow morning. I don't know of any inclement weather, but I will check the forecast before I go to bed.
I am wrapping things up for tonight. I hope that everyone who takes the time to read this will have a great evening and an even better tomorrow.


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