Dreamer's World March 4 2015 - Hurry Up And Wait

This morning I had to travel to the client's location. Normally, this is due to a regularly scheduled meeting, but this morning that meeting was canceled. The reason I made the trip this morning was to have the client's IT department install some updates on a laptop that I have on loan from the client. I have to perform this task on a monthly basis and I also had to get e new custody letter for the laptop.
I left for the client's office before 0800 and arrived at the normal time. I took the laptop to client's IT and they began the updates to the machine. Unfortunately, every time the updates started to process, the laptop locked up and had to be restarted. What should have taken less than 30 minutes morphed into more than 4 hours. I had not choice but to wait things out, because the laptop would not function with partially installed updates. Talk about a waste of time. It reminded me of being in the Navy and being told to be somewhere at a particular time only to stand around waiting forever because things never started on time.
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