Dreamer’s World July 25 2015 - Beautiful Saturday
Saturday morning is here. I am deliberately taking things very slowly this weekend because I am beginning to really need some time away from work. I already have the week of Labor Day scheduled as my mini-vacation, but that seems like years away at this point. I will make it through, the key is to not try to overthink how many more days there are between now and then.
The only plan I have is to get my walking done today. I will go to CVS to get more test strips for my BG meter. That by itself should put me near 2 miles for the day. After that, I plan to get in as much walking as I can, but I don't plan to go and spend any more money.
I got my walk in this morning and covered 4.5 miles. The walk started from the apartment to CVS on Duke Street near the Library. I went there to get the test strips for my Freestyle Precision Neo meter, but the CVS was out of stock. At that point, I decided to walk to the next nearest CVS, which is located on Van Dorn Street. This really gave me a much longer walk than I had planned, but it was worth it to get the exercise. Luckily, this CVS had the test strips, so then I retraced most of the route back home. I feel awesome, but I'll feel even better after a shower!
After the shower, I feel much more alive and much less sweaty. I had a quick lunch here at home, and am waiting for Hal to get home from work. I have my special editor Stevie Nicks here with me as I am typing to make sure that everything is correct and also that I acknowledge her beauty as I do type.
Actually, having her next to me gives me a sense of calm as well, and for that I am grateful. Stevie Nicks is a cat who loves attention more than most. She thrives on hearing her name and always responds with a soft “mew” as if she were still a kitten. Maxwell and Spartacus are both very unlikely to speak unless they want food!
It feels good to have done the things that I wanted to earlier today. I will easily hit 10k steps for today, something that I have not done in quite some time. This is an inspiration to try to get the same amount of walking in tomorrow as well. I am also glad that the writing bug has gotten to me again. I am trying to stay diligent, but there are times when I ease off without realizing it until late in the evening. Too often at that time, I either rush to put something together at the last minute, or I fail to get anything done because of the lateness of the hour and how tired I am. Those are both nothing more than excuses for not getting my writing done when I have every chance to do so earlier in the day.
Right now, I am undecided about dinner. I am thinking of asking Hal if he wants to go to our favorite local hangout to grab dinner there, but that will have to wait until he gets home and has his own chance to shower and relax. Hal just came through the door, and after greeting him along with the Stooges, he is going to rest and shower. He seems fine with the idea of the local dinner I just mentioned, but that will be in a few hours anyway. Until then, I will let him rest and get cleaned up after his day at work. Knowing that Hal is home safe makes my day complete.
I found myself once again looking at MacBook Airs online today. I find now that the temptation is gone. The Chromebook fills all my needs, I cannot justify spending the money that I now actually have to get a MacBook Air. Years of living on a very tight budget have really paid off (pardon the pun) in terms of financial discipline, and this is something that I will do my very best to maintain in the future. I have written an entire post describing my love of the Chromebooks that I have (11.6” and 13”) which combined, cost me less than 1 Macbook Air. I am still extremely happy with what I have, and there is no need to spend money that doesn’t have to be spent.
My writing has suffered from lack of discipline, but not from the platforms I use to write on. The Chromebooks and Google Docs are providing everything that I need in terms of capability right now. I would not feel at all uncomfortable taking this Chromebook with me when I go out. All I have to do is to use the hotspot on my iPhone to get it connected to the internet, and away I go! I would rather get another Chromebook and still not total the cost of 1 Macbook Air.
I thought of this option when I was invited by some friends to go to Baltimore Pride this weekend. I declined because I didn’t want to go without Hal. If I had taken them up on their offer, I would have taken the Chromebook and written while they all broke their necks trying to see all the “hot guys” that are sure to be there. I picture myself sitting under a nice shady tree in the park letting them run around like little kids in a candy store. It didn’t turn out like that, of course since I didn’t go, but I hope that they have a great time there.
Hal and I have decided to wait until about 1800 to go across the street for dinner. That will give us time to rest here and we won’t get hungry later in the evening either. Sounds like a good plan to me! I can continue my writing until it is time to go as Hal relaxes.
We had a terrific dinner and came home. The evening has been spent talking and playing with the Stooges. We are getting ready to watch Svengoolie before Hal goes to bed. Sometimes just watching a corny movie with the person you love is the perfect way to spend an evening.
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