Dreamer's World January 23 2015 - Spartacus

Spartacus recently had to go to the Vet because of an ear infection. He is doing fine now. Hal and I wash his ears out twice a day and administer drops in his ears each evening.

I am glad to report that SPartacus is doing much better now. The financial hit from the Vet was substantial, but Hal and I managed to get it taken care of. I am glad that I was able to handle my half of the expense without incident, and this goes back to my financial discipline that I have written about in the past.
There was never any question about taking care of Spartacus. He is part of the family. I cannot imagine what we would have felt like if we knew he was not feeling well and were unable to do anything about it. There was never any doubt from Hal or myself that we would find a way to take care of him. Spartacus has been with us for nearly 14 years, and we hope to have him for at least 14 more, although that probably isn't realistic. Regardless, we are going to nurse him back to health and treasure our time with him as we have done for the last 14 years.
It is amazing how attached we become to our pets. Without children, they are the most important things in our lives, or at least they should be. I honestly cannot watch the tv commercials about animals that have been abused. People who torture animals deserve to have the exact same thing done to them!
Spartacus is doing great after a few days of treatment. The first day he was just not happy about the digging in his ears with a cotton ball soaked in medicine. The ear drops didn't go over too well with him either. Now, he willingly accepts the ear washing without complaint because he realizes that he feels much better afterwards. Hal can hold him and he won't squirm or struggle at all after the second day.
When Spartacus walks around the apartment now, he loos and acts like he is 5 years younger. That is reward enough for Hal and I and also confirmation that we have done the right thing.
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