Dreamer's World February 21 2015 - Beetle

It is Saturday morning at just after 1000 and I have just returned from my trip to the garage with the Beetle. It was time for the annual inspection and an oil change. Sadly, I did not return WITH the Beetle, since there is some extra work that needs to be done on it. This will set me back some money, but I am able to pay for it, and I'm greatful for that fact.
I suppose that the easy thing to do would be to bitch and complain that the minute I eliminate 2 bills that I have to take on another one, but that would do no good and I realize that this is a necessary expense that I have to deal with. I have to realize that if things had not gotten better that I would not be able to take care of this at all. THe timing belt is well past the end of it's expected use and it is cheaper to replace than to have it wear out and break while I am driving the Beetle. There were a few problems with the struts as well. Therefore, I resolve to not worry about this matter.
The Beetle is a 2002 and I got it used in 2012. It has held up remarkably well and I have no real complaints about it. Things were bound to wear out and need replacement by now. I will have the repairs completed by Tuesday and will get the Beetle back. In the meantime, I have a loaner, a VW Passat Deisel. It is more modern than the Beetle, although I honestly cannot remember the year for this vehicle. It was strange driving the Passat back to the apartment because it is a larger car and is also an automatic. I have always preferred a manual transmission on my vehicles.
I carefully parked the Passat in the garage and with more snow predicted for later today and tonight, it probably won't get much use until Monday when I go to work. The heated seats are something that I definitely like on a cold day. It will be back to the regular seats when I get the Beetle back.
The moral of this, if there is one, is that I am able to take care of these expenses and make the arrangments to pay for them. In the past, this would have been impossible. Therefore, even though this is a setback, it is one that I can overcome.
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